Avanta medical center

Contact information
Address: Armenia 0037 Yerevan, Arabkir, 15 Hr. Kochar str.
Phone: +374 - (10)-26-22-99
Work days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
“Avanta” Clinics of aesthetic cosmetology and modern dentistry and implantology approach to the solution of patient’s complex problems providing efficient and obvious results.rnrnThe newest laser equipment of aesthetic cosmetology centers, wide choice of medical preparations for injections and contour plastics, wide variety of medical cosmetic means for body and facial skin care, technological availability, the usage of modern and innovative techniques in dentistry as well as highly skilled experts of our center allow to choose individual means and techniques for the best results and perfect image creation. Our experts are assured that it is never early nor late to improve your appearance. Therefore, we are pleased to offer you a wide range of health and beauty services, which include the entire resources of modern cosmetology and advanced dentistry. rnrnLaser cosmetology rnrn“Avanta” clinic uses the most suitable laser therapy for each laser procedure to achieve the best results.rn- Laser skin rejuvenation rn- Laser hair removalrn- Laser polishing (removal of hems, wrinkles, pigmentary stains) rnrn - Removal of benign tumors, papilloma, keratoma, birthmarks, verrucarn- Acne treatment and much more - Laser tattoo removalrn- Laser vessels removal Hardware cosmetology rnrnrnHardware cosmetology helps to activate local blood circulation, stimulate muscle activity, get rid of fat accumulation and cellulite, and also promotes desired face and body contour’s formation.rn- Ultrasonic therapy rn- Vacuum massage rn- Lymphatic drainage massagern- Miostimulation rn- Electro- epilationrnAesthetic surgeryrnrn Removal of skin benign neoformations rnrnrn- Papillomas rn- Keratoma rn- Warts rn- Birthmarks rn- Scarring rn- Atheromas rn- Xanthoma rnrnDepartment of Dermatology rnrnTreatment of skin diseases such as: rn- Acne rn- Dermatitis rn- Demodicidosis rn- Carbuncle rn- Contagious molluscum rn- Vitriol rn- Lichen rn- Dermatomycosis rn- Rosacea rn- Seborrhea rn- Streptococcal impetigo rn- Furunculosis rn- Itch rn- Sharp eczema rn- Dysbacteriosis rn- Herpes rn- Vitiligo rn- Melasma rn- Alopecia rn- Cellulitis, etc. rnrnrnrnTherapeutic procedures rnrnHigh-grade professional skin care and application of the most effective modern safe techniques of rejuvenation will allow you to forget about age for many years. rnrn- Mechanical peeling rn- Biophitopiling rn- All kinds of chemical pilings rn- Superficial (within an epidermis horn layer) rn- Median (to basal membranes) rn- Deep (to the papillary of derm layer) rnrn-Alphahydroxyacid peelsrn-Betahydroxyacid peelsrn-Glycolic peelrn-Salicylic peelrn-Jessners peelrn-Retinoicacid peelrn-Trichloroaceticacid peelsrn-Phenol peelsrnrn- Mesopeel rn- Professional dermatological and home care of your skin rnrnSpa procedures rnrn- Infra-red sauna rn- All kinds of wrappings rn- Relaxing chocolate massage rn- Indean head massagern- Aromatherapy rn- Marrakech Hammam rn- Thermal stone therapy rn- Body piling rn- Solarium